The verdict is still out on who is going to be president, but the fact remains that our president and all of our civil rulers need the prayers of Christians.

With this in mind, pray that God will give our civil rulers the strength and fortitude they need to complete the difficult tasks that are ahead of them. There are constant pressures that weigh heavily on the office of each representative. Pray that these civil ministers will be able to keep their households in order as well as the house of the state. Family responsibilities often get pushed aside for the alleged urgency of civil affairs. There is a constant bombardment of bureaucrats and special interest groups wanting them to use their power to turn the civil government into a vehicle to serve a few at the expense of many. Often a reward comes with it. Pray for God to enable them to resist this temptation.

Pray for God to change their minds if they walk away from the principles of Scripture. Pray for God to make them a believer.

Pray for God to give them wisdom in applying the absolutes of God’s Word to civil situations. Solomon prayed this prayer in 1 Kings 3.

Pray that God would protect His church using the means of the state. Also, pray that God would use the state to protect the freedom of the church to preach the gospel. The state must protect the Christian religion at all costs! Pray that the civil government would remove any obstacle that would endanger the preaching of the Word of God in carrying out the Great Commission. Paul tells us to pray for those who rule so “that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty” (1 Timothy 2:2).

All of this implies that the civil government cannot be neutral and if the Christian religion is not protected and made our foundation then some other religion will be, it’s typically a State religion that disintegrates into paganism.
We must humble ourselves, pray, and turn from our wicked way in order for God to begin to heal our land. We must also get busy in our responsibilities to fulfill the Great Commission, teaching and baptizing, following all of Christ in all of life. All of this begins with a dependence on God to change the nation from the bottom-up, from the hearts of individual believers all the way up to the highest offices of the land. Join me in prayer.

Scott Guillory
Christ Church Academy