There is a time when it is necessary to kill (Eccl 3:3) but not all war is just.

Here’s the bullet points from my life class on how to judge if a war or a bombing of another nation is just.
A just war is to be for self defense (Ex 22:2; 21:12; 17:8-9)

A just war should only be engaged in as a last resort. Deut 20:10 If the war is for the purpose of just retribution or self defense, then terms of peace and restitution should be offered first. War is not for the purpose of putting a boot in the ass of our enemies. Life is precious and should not be sacrificed if at all possible.

Peace should always be the desire and the ultimate goal. We serve the Prince of Peace. Even in war the ultimate purpose of the war is peace. Even the kingdom of heaven advances that men might beat their swords into plows. (Isa 2:4)

War must be engaged in by the proper authorities. 1 Pet 2:13. It cannot be waged unilaterally by political leaders who have not been granted the jurisdiction. It cannot be waged by vigilantes or gangs.

War should be winnable. Human life is precious and cannot be thrown away in suicide missions. 1 Sam 30:8; luke 14:31

The violence of a just war must be proportional to the injury suffered. Total war is prohibited (Deut 20:19-20). Thieves are not to be executed (Exo 22:7). Only an eye for an eye.

Hope this helps us judge rightly the various wars our nation continues to engage in all around the globe.