By God’s grace, we strive to do this by:
Building Households
Building Christian households that adhere to the Biblical design of the family and faithfully train up the next generation of Christ’s ambassadors.
Planting Churches
Planting Churches that worship in Spirit and Truth, proclaim Salvation in Christ alone, fight for holiness and remain faithful to the Great Commission.
Equipping Saints
We want Christians to advance the claims of Christ in their unique callings for the glory of God and the good of our neighbors.
Our Values
We long to build a Church that is:

Distinctly Biblical
We believe there is objective truth to which we must submit ourselves. We believe this truth is revealed by God in both the Old and New testament of the Bible, inerrant, fully inspired and fully preserved by the Holy Spirit.
We long to cheerfully submit every aspect of our lives both individually and corporately to the Bible. We long to embrace its truth, proclaiming it boldly when popular and also when unpopular.
We long to see more and more people throughout Acadiana baptized into Christ and building their lives on the authority of His Word.
Distinctly Biblical
We believe there is objective truth to which we must submit ourselves. We believe this truth is revealed by God in both the Old and New testament of the Bible, inerrant, fully inspired and fully preserved by the Holy Spirit.
We long to cheerfully submit every aspect of our lives both individually and corporately to the Bible. We long to embrace its truth, proclaiming it boldly when popular and also when unpopular.
We long to see more and more people throughout Acadiana baptized into Christ and building their lives on the authority of His Word.
Christ Church is one church in many locations. We long to see more and more Christ Church locations scattered throughout Acadiana.
We long to see each location alive with Christ Church distinctions and poised to reproduce itself again and again.
Desiring to model the reconciling power of the Gospel for Acadiana, we desire to build a church known for its economic and ethnic diversity.
We reject target market evangelism and the homogeneous church growth principle.
We embrace the peace made possible when men and women unite around Christ and His Word.
Desiring to model the reconciling power of the Gospel for Acadiana, we desire to build a church known for its economic and ethnic diversity.
We reject target market evangelism and the homogeneous church growth principle.
We embrace the peace made possible when men and women unite around Christ and His Word.
One of the most important aspects of God’s love for his church is that it is covenantal. This means His love is not conditional, temporal or fragile. He will never leave us nor forsake us.
Now, this covenantal love is meant to flow to us and then flow through us to one another. As members of Christ Church we covenant with one another.
We pledge to love one another through the thick and thin, to not show partiality and to not relate to one another through cost-benefit analysis. We believe that church relationships should be covenantal, not consumeristic. We aren’t customers paying our dues to receive religious goods and services. We are a covenantal Christian community.